“CoCo: Collaboration Coach for Understanding Team Dynamics during Video Conferencing”. [Link]
Samiha Samrose, Ru Zhao, Jeffery White, Vivian Li, Luis Nova, Yichen Lu, Rafayet Ali, M Ehsan Hoque.
ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (UbiComp/IMWUT), 2018.
“Awe the Audience: How Narrative Trajectories Affect Audience Perception in Public Speaking”. [Video]
M. Iftekhar Tanveer, Samiha Samrose, Raiyan A. Baten and M. E. Hoque.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (CHI 2018), 2018.
“Trip planning queries with location privacy in spatial databases”. [Link]
Subarna Soma, Tanzima Hashem, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Samiha Samrose.
Journal of World Wide Web (WWW), March 2017.
“Efficient Computation of Group Optimal Sequenced Routes in Road Networks”. [pdf] [presentation]
Samiha Samrose, Tanzima Hashem, Sukarna Barua, M Eunus Ali, M Hafiz Uddin, Iftekhar Mahmud.
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), Pennsylvania, USA, 2015.
Speaker, "Research Opportunity Panel", for Women in Computing Club, University of Rochester, 2018.
Presenter, Demo on “Real-time Feedback on Speaking Style”, Ladies in the Lab Program, Rochester Museum & Science Center, 2017.
Presenter of tutorials on ‘‘Research Poster: Preparation & Presentation” for the undergrad thesis supervisees of Dr. Tanzima Hashem in 2015. [presentation]
Presenter of the poster titled “Learning Technologies for Autistic Children” in “1st Women in Engineering (WIE) Research Presentation” in 2011. [poster]
Speaker on the topic “Autism Supported Classroom” in the seminar “HTI Project Showcasing” at BUET in 2011. [presentation]
CSCW'18 - Reviewer
CRA-W'18 - Attendee (CRA-W Funding)
CHI'18 - Reviewer
GHC'17 - Attendee (BRAID Funding)
UbiComp'17 - Student Volunteer
CRA-W'17 - Attendee (CRA-W Funding)